Беларускі Гістарычны Агляд2019-02-08T15:04:23+00:00Геннадий Сагановичhenadz.sahanovich@ehu.ltOpen Journal Systems<p><em>Беларускі Гістарычны Агляд</em> заснаваны ў 1994 г. як незалежны навуковы перыёдык, прысвечаны гісторыі Беларусі і актуальнаму стану беларускай гістарыяграфіі. З 2006 г. выдаецца пры Еўрапейскім Гуманітарным Універсітэце. Выходзячы два разы на год, часопіс змяшчае артыкулы, агляды, рэцэнзіі, архіўныя матэрыялы і інфармацыйныя зацемкі па беларускай і ўсходнееўрапейскай гісторыі без храналагічных абмежаванняў.</p>Змест2019-02-08T12:38:55+00:00Генадзь Саганович<p>Змест</p>2019-02-08T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Развіццё паняцця заходніх межаў ВКЛ у XIII-XVI ст.2019-02-08T12:33:30+00:00Tomas Č<p>(па беларуску)</p> <p><strong>The development of the concept of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania western borders in 13th – 16th centuries</strong><br>Tomas Čelkis / Томас Чэлкіс<br>In old languages demarcation terms were polysemous and used to express concepts of a border as an object and a sign. Territorial sections used to become limits for pre-statehood disputes however demarcation of the said sections was no longer a spontaneous phenomenon. In 1358 the Grand Duchy of Lithuania concluded its first international demarcation treaty with Masuria, in which the demarcation was still close to old tribal concepts. The campaign of identification of Western borders with the Teutonic Order during the Vytautas times was a new phase of development, which evidenced emergence of manifestations of the concept of a borderline. After the borders identification campaign, in the 15th century the<br>borders renewal process was going on, during which the borders of the Vytautas times were already, called the old ones and true ones, which is evidenced by the importance of changes, which occurred during the Vytautas times when a new territorial self-perception was emerging. In 1473 a new border treaty was concluded with Livonia. In the 1st half of the 16th century the border renewal procedure, determined by the necessity to manage the internal colonization process, which reached the borderline territories of the Grand Duchy and its adjacent states, was further developed. In most cases private domains were legitimated as a state border, the stability of which was a concern of all the stakeholding social groups. Demarcation of borders was improved in the 16th century. In the acts the demarcation lines were accurately registered and described. In 1545 the following demarcation line was built, i. e. the pillar with the states’ coats of arms and names. Such demarcation shows that in the 1st half of the 16th century the line character of the state border was in its final phase of development, which meant the emergence of the concept of the state’s territory in the Western part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Мілітарныя абрысы культу Божай Маці Жыровіцкай у XVII ст.2019-02-08T12:45:09+00:00Генадзь Сагановіч<p>(па беларуску)</p> <p><strong>Military aspects of the Cult of Lady of Žyrovičy in 17th century</strong><br>Hienadź Sahanovič / Генадзь Сагановіч<br>The icon of the Virgin Mary of Žyrovičy (Western Belarus) originally belonged to Orthodox Church and was considered miraculous, but from the beginning of the 17th century, when local population started to convert to the Unia, until 1839 it belonged to the Basilian Order. During those times it became legendary for miracles and turned into one of the most famous in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The author considers the little-known aspects of the Cult of the Lady of Žyrovičy related to several wars waged in the 17th century in Belarus. It turns out that the local nobility and the townspeople claimed that the Lady of Žyrovičy helped them in the war against Moscow and the Zaporozhian Cossacks. It was also believed that Moscow troops were defeated in 1660 near Polonka thanks to the patronage of the Lady. In general, from this point of view the icon of the Virgin Mary of Žyrovičy played nearly the same role in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as the Black Madonna from Częstochowa in the Polish Kingdom.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Нацыяналізм і нацыянальныя мовы2019-02-08T13:45:13+00:00Tomasz Kamusellabhr@belhistory.euВольга Калацкая<p>(па беларуску)</p> <p><strong>Nationalism and National Languages</strong><br>Tomasz Kamusella / Тамаш Камусэла<br>In the 20th century, the ethnolinguistically homogenous nationstate became the norm of legitimate statehood, especially in Central Europe. At the level of rhetoric, the Soviet Union was an exception to this trend, but it in 1991 was replaced by ethnolinguistic national polities. The idea of the normative isomorphism (tight spatial and symbolic overlapping) of language, nation, and state still obtains in Central Europe, as exemplified by the parallel breakups of Yugoslavia<br>and its Serbo-Croatian language, so that each successor state (with the exception of Kosovo) has its own national language. The widespread normative insistence that languages should make nations and polities, and nation-states should make languages, is limited to Central Europe (including much of the post-Soviet space) and Southeast Asia, prevented outside Eurasia by the imposition of colonial languages. Interestingly, should the European Union persist in its official polyglotism, the normative thrust of ethnolinguistic nationalism in Central Europe may be blunted in the future.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Вайна і памяць у Расіі, Украіне і Беларусі2019-02-08T13:52:47+00:00Julie Fedorbhr@belhistory.euSimon Lewisbhr@belhistory.euТатьяна Журженко<p>(па беларуску)</p> <p><strong>War and Memory in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus</strong><br>Julie Fedor, Simon Lewis and Tatiana Zhurzhenko /Джулі Фёдар, Сайман Льюіс,<br>Таццяна Журжэнка<br>This introductory essay, an adapted translation (from English) of an opening chapter of an edited volume, begins with a discussion of World War II memory in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, in light of the recent and ongoing war in Ukraine. It outlines the main contours of the interplay between “memory wars” and real war, and the important “post-Crimean” qualitative shift in local memory cultures in this connection. Next, the essay sketches out the specifics of the war memory landscapes of the region, and then of each of the three individual countries, before moving on to introduce the key organizing themes and findings of the book.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Атлас Мінскай губерні 1800 г.: стварэнне і аўтары2019-02-08T13:56:35+00:00Яўген Анішчанка<p>(па беларуску)</p> <p><strong>The Minsk Province’s atlas of 1800: its preparation and authors</strong><br>Jaŭhien Aniščanka / Яўген Анішчанка<br>The article deals with the process of mapping by the Russian land surveyors of the central regions of Belarus after their inclusion into the Russian Empire. The author claims that in the end of 18th century six atlases of the Minsk province were created. However, they all contain many inaccuracies and lots of wrong information what should be taken into consideration by using this atlas.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Удзел беларусaў у парламенцкіх выбарах у Латвіі (1922–1931)2019-02-08T14:02:24+00:00Jerzy<p>(па беларуску)</p> <p><strong>Participation of Belarusians in the elections to the Latvian parliament (1922–1931)</strong><br>Jerzy Grzybowski / Юры Грыбоўскі<br>Latvia in the interwar period was a multinational state. Belarusians belonged to the most numerous national groups. They lived in Latgale. Latvia was one of the main centers of the Belarusian national life. Until 1934, Latvia had a democratic constitution. The state respected the rights of national minorities. In this country, the Belarusians had their own schools, organizations and the press. <br>Belarusians were also engaged in politics. Belarusian politicians had socialist beliefs. Many of them sympathized with the USSR. This country used some Belarussians to fight against the Latvian state.<br>The article analyzes the participation of Belarusians in the elections to the Latvian parliament. Belarusian candidates wanted to get into parliament to protect the interests of their nation. Belarusian candidates had to contend with other candidates (Latvians, Russians, Poles) who were better organized. However, the election campaign ended in defeat. The main reason for this was that the Belarusian population did not identify itself with the Belarusian national slogans. That is why Belarusian politicians had to cooperate with Latvian political parties (socialist). As a result, they managed to introduce one deputy to the parliament with the help of the Latvian Social Democrats. This was a relative success that could not<br>satisfy the needs of Belarusians in Latvia.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Гісторыя літоўска-навасільскіх дагавораў 1427–1491 гадоў і літоўска-варатынскія граматы 1483 і 1488 гадоў2019-02-08T14:07:18+00:00Роман Беспаловbhr@belhistory.euСергей Полехов<p>(па беларуску)</p> <p><strong>The history of the treaties between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the principality of Vorotynsk (1427–1491) and the Lithuanian-Vorotynsk documents of 1483 and 1488</strong><br>Roman A. Bespalov, Sergey V. Polekhov / Раман Бяспалаў, Сяргей Палехаў<br>The article includes an edition of two documents concerning the relations of Vorotynsk princes with Casimir Jagiellon (Kazimierz IV Jagiellończyk), grand duke of Lithuania (1440–1492) and king of Poland (1447–1492). The edition is accompanied with a study on the history of the Lithuanian-Vorotynsk treaties in the 15th century and the archival history of the published documents. The first of them, the treaty with the princes Dmitry Fedorovich, Ivan Fedorovich and Ivan Mikhailovich of Novosil, Odoyev and Vorotynsk issued by Casimir in 1483, originates from the archive of the Vorotynsk princes who entered the service of grand duke Ivan III of Moscow and was thereafter taken to his archive (nowadays preserved in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts in Moscow). Reading the document in ultraviolet rays allowed to reconstruct its text more precisely than in the mid-19th century first edition. The second document, concering prince Dmitry Fedorovich Vorotynsky’s <br>oath to serve Casimir with the town of Kozelsk in 1488, was kept at first in the state archive of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in the 17th century it was taken with other documents by the Radziwiłł family, and in the 19th century acquired by the Russian official and historian Pavel Mukhanov who granted it to the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museum (nowadays in his collection in the manuscript department of the Russian State Library in Moscow). It was hitherto known to historians only from the short mentions in the Radziwiłłs’ archival inventories. Both documents are edited according to modern principles elaborated by the Belarusian historian Aliaksandr Hruša.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Беларусы – студэнты і выкладчыкі Кіева-Магілянскай Акадэміі2019-02-08T14:14:41+00:00Юрій Мицик<p>(па беларуску)</p> <p><strong>The students and teachers from Belarus in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy</strong></p> <p>Yurii Mytsyk / Юрый Мыцык</p> <p> </p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Парафіяльная хроніка Ішчальнскага касцёла2019-02-08T14:18:25+00:00Кірыл Сыцько<p>(па беларуску)</p> <p><strong>The Parish Chronicle of the Iščalna Church</strong><br>Syćko Kirył / Кірыл Сыцько<br>The parish chronicles of the Roman Catholic Church in Belarus are a unique type of historical sources of the first third of the 20th century. The first attempts to encourage the priests to create these documents were made during the Russian Empire. They failed. Later, in 1925, and then in the early 1930s, regular attempts were made to start keeping chronicles. Archbishop Romuald Yalbzhikovsky hired professional historians to chart the creation of the document. As a result, sporadic parish chronicles began to appear. The Chronicle of Iščalna is one of the clearest examples of such historical sources. Created in 1932, the document contains a description of real historical facts about events in the parish in 1515–1932, as well as legendary memories of villagers. The parish chronicle consists of six sections, each of which describes a certain section of the cult and social life of the area, whose inhabitants attended the church in Iščalna. This article proposes an archeographically processed text of a historical source.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Падарожжы ў БНР2019-02-08T14:28:37+00:00Алесь Смалянчук<p>Агляды.</p> <p>Алесь Смалянчук / Alieś Smaliančuk</p> <p>ЧЕРНЯКЕВИЧ, АНДРЕЙ. БНР. Триумф побежденных. Минск: А. Н. Янушкевич, 2018. 302 с.<br>ШУПА, СЯРГЕЙ. Падарожжа ў БНР. Архіўны раман (Бібліятэка Свабоды. ХХІ стагодзьдзе). Радыё Свабодная Эўропа / Радыё Свабода, 2018. 282 с.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Юбілейная пастараль: крок у даследаванні гісторыі БНР ці бег на месцы?2019-02-08T14:31:19+00:00Андрэй Чарнякевіч<p>Агляд.</p> <p>Андрэй Чарнякевіч / Andrej Čarniakievič</p> <p>Беларуская Народная Рэспубліка – крок да незалежнасці: да 100-годдзя абвяшчэння: гістарычны нарыс / А. А. КАВАЛЕНЯ [і інш.]; Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі, Інстытут гісторыі. Мінск: Беларус. навука, 2018. 157 с.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Украінскае казацтва, Масква і суперніцтва за Беларусь у кнізе расійскай даследчыцы2019-02-08T14:33:51+00:00Генадзь Сагановіч<p>Агляд.</p> <p>Генадзь Сагановіч / Hienadź Sahanovič</p> <p>ТАИРОВА-ЯКОВЛЕВА, ТАТЬЯНА. Инкорпорация: Россия и Украина после Переяславской рады (1654–1658). Киïв: “Кліо”, 2017. 320 с.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##ń, Jan. Wychowanie do społeczeństwa. W teatrach szkolnych jezuitów w Rzeczypospolitej obojga narodów. Kraków, 20182019-02-08T14:56:29+00:00Ганна Паўлоўская<p>Рэцэнзія</p> <p>Ганна Паўлоўская / Hanna Paŭloŭskaja</p> <p>OKOŃ, JAN. Wychowanie do społeczeństwa. W teatrach szkolnych jezuitów w Rzeczypospolitej obojga narodów. Kraków: Collegium Columbinum, 2018. 500 s.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##После грозы: 1812 год в исторической памяти России и Европы: сб. ст. Москва, 20152019-02-08T14:55:56+00:00Алена Філатава<p>Рэцензія</p> <p>Алена Філатава / Аlena Filatava</p> <p>После грозы: 1812 год в исторической памяти России и Европы: сб. ст. / под ред. Д. А. СДВИЖКОВА. Москва: Кучково поле, 2015. 384 с., 8 ил.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Стурейко, Степан. Беспокойные камни. 9 эссе о новом измерении архитектурного наследия. Гродно, 20172019-02-08T14:55:17+00:00Ала Сташкевіч<p>Рэцэнзія</p> <p>Ала Сташкевіч / Ala Staškievič</p> <p>СТУРЕЙКО, СТЕПАН. Беспокойные камни. 9 эссе о новом измерении архитектурного наследия. Гродно: “ЮрСаПринт”, 2017. 288 с.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##á, Daniela; Plavec, Michal. Běloruská emigrace v meziválečném Československu: Studie a dokumenty. Praha, 20172019-02-08T14:54:30+00:00Андрэй Буча<p>Рэцэнзія</p> <p>Андрэй Буча / Andrej Buča</p> <p>KOLENOVSKÁ, DANIELA; PLAVEC, MICHAL. Běloruská emigrace v meziválečném Československu: Studie a dokumenty. Sociopolitický aspekt. Praha, 2017. 287 s.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## and Communism. Greek and Latin behind the Iron Curtain. Ljubljana, Budapest, Warsaw, 2013; Classics and Class. Greek and Latin Classics and Communism at School. Warsaw, Ljubljana, 20162019-02-08T14:53:17+00:00Ганна Паўлоўская<p>Рэценэія</p> <p>Ганна Паўлоўская / Hanna Paŭloŭskaja</p> <p>Classics and Communism. Greek and Latin behind the Iron Curtain, eds. GYÖRGY KARSAI, GÁBOR KLANICZAY, DAVID MOVRIN and ELŻBIETA OLECHOWSKA. Ljubljana, Budapest, Warsaw: Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts; Collegium Budapest Institute for Advanced Study, and the Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, 2013. 576 p.<br>Classics and Class. Greek and Latin Classics and Communism at School, eds. DAVID MOVRIN and ELŻBIETA OLECHOWSKA. Warsaw, Ljubljana: Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw; Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts, 2016. 572 p.</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Аўтарэфераты дысертацый па гістарычных навуках (2018)2019-02-08T14:59:29+00:00Наталля Анофранка<p><strong>Аўтарэфераты дысертацый па гістарычных навуках, дапушчаных да абароны ў 2018 г.</strong></p> <p>Доктарскія дысертацыі</p> <p>Кандыдацкія дысертацыі</p> <p>Наталля Анофранка / Natallia Anofranka</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Аўтары нумара2019-02-08T15:01:31+00:00Генадзь Сагановіч<p>Аўтары нумара / Authors of the issue</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##Генадзь Сагановіч<p>(in English)</p> <p>Змест / Contents</p>2019-02-04T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##