Subject-object Relation in the Process of Structuring Borderland (on materials of the research of the Bessarabia region)

  • Светлана Коч
Keywords: subject, object, borderland, regional system, social structure, communicational environment


by Svetlana Koch

The article focuses on the idea that interaction between the space as an object and the space as a subject of regional relations that has a dialectical relationship, which is formed by the process of structuring a regional system determining the logic of conversion of the inside conditions (geopolitics, history, economy) into the models of perception and activity that are realized on the levels of group and individual practices. 
The analysis of the process of conversion of the borderland into the historical and political reality – the object of relations – has been made on the example of the Bessarabia region. The article demonstrates the working model of the borderland space. The base of its current development are algorithms of behavior set down by the social structure and communication links that have been historically formed in the region. Communication environment as a factor of programming of  social relations has been considered on the example of ethno-cultural groups of the region.
Keywords: subject, object, borderland, regional system, social


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I. The Phenomenon of the Borderland