Video Clip as a «Detonator» and Aesthetics After «The Big Bang»


  • Александр Сарна
Keywords: music video, visual text clipping, pop-culture-industry, audio & video communication, modern art & postmodern aesthetics


[In Russian]

The article reveals a significant role of the phenomenon of
music video («video clip») in modern culture where it stands not
just for a format of audiovisual communication, but represents a
universal «cultural form». At the same time the author makes
an attempt to depict the main characteristics of the music video
(comparing it with painting and cinema), its technological and
economic origins, as well as the extent of its influence on modern
aesthetic conceptions and art practice.


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How to Cite
Сарна, А. (2020). Video Clip as a «Detonator» and Aesthetics After «The Big Bang». Topos, (2 (16), 116-128. Retrieved from