What is Social Philosophy Today?


  • Андрей Тетёркин
Keywords: social philosophy, political philosophy, social pathologies, conditions of self-realization, social imaginary, ethical principles, normativity of the social


[In Russian]

This article deals with the contemporary understanding of
the purpose of social philosophy. The urgency of this analysis is
caused by the fact that despite a great quantity of seminal philosophic
reflections about social reality we do not actually have at
our disposal works concerning meta-theoretical elucidation of
the idea of this discipline. In this connection A. Ferrara warns
us that this condition of dispersion and disintegration could be a
reason for social philosophy to lose its vital role in social research.
Fortunately, A. Honneth, A. Ferrara and V. Fours issued important
texts that provide us with fruitful ideas about the identity
of the socio-philosophical project. Accordingly, the aim of this
paper is to reconstruct and to develop their train of thought.


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How to Cite
Тетёркин, А. (2020). What is Social Philosophy Today?. Topos, (1), 43-58. Retrieved from http://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/539
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