On Some Contradictions of the Belarusian Philosophical Constructivism


  • Ольга Шпарага European Humanities University
Keywords: postmodernism, constructivism, criticism, social conditionality, regulatory dimension


[In Russian]

The text touches upon the question on contradictions of
philosophical concepts of V. Akudovich and A. Ousmanova who
depart from the philosophy of postmodernism. These contradictions
testify to the fact that the Western philosophical concepts
and theory are not transferred automatically to our ground. The
main problem which Belarusian philosophers face is a problem of
relativization of the concepts subjected to the critique following
other European philosophers. Therefore, in my opinion, the question
about regulatory reference points of Belarusian philosophy,
as well as, in M. Foucault’s words, about the search of new, productive
forms of criticism becomes central. It is political philosophy
that can be considered as a program for working out of such
reference points.


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How to Cite
Шпарага, О. (2020). On Some Contradictions of the Belarusian Philosophical Constructivism. Topos, (1), 73-78. Retrieved from http://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/542
Belarusian Philosophers in Quest of Self-Determination