Фуко vs Хабермас: о некоторых перспективах несостоявшейся полемики


  • Андрей Комаровский
Ключевые слова: гетеротопность и гетерохронность, модерн, рациональность, логика основания, полемика между Фуко и Хабермасом



The polemics between Foucault and Habermas is considered
in the article. The author tends to state the foundations of the polemic
logic of Habermas as well as of his pragmatics. The subject
of the polemics is the critique and self-regulation, considered as
the integral elements of the practices themselves. But who, accounting
for itself, by what procedures and by which guarantees is
able to keep the sound mind? In the long run, the question is what
is (are) the framework(s) of the execution of rationality which are
allowed by modern disposition-dilemmas of heterotopy and heterochrony
of power («activity»), history («time») and community
(«subject»). Since the social critic thought is called to investigate
these problems it is the utmost modern enterprise.


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Как цитировать
Комаровский, А. (2020). Фуко vs Хабермас: о некоторых перспективах несостоявшейся полемики. Topos, (1), 160-168. извлечено от http://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/553
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