Social Logic of Pornography in Jan Švankmajer's cinema


  • Лидия Михеева European Humanities University
Keywords: modernity, reification, puppet show, doll, Švankmajer, pornography


[In Russian]

This article considers the cinematic poetics of Jan Švankmajer
as the recurrence of displaced individual traumas and social affects
of modernity. While considering Švankmajer’s films, the
author defines the key elements of the «pornographic model» of
visual representation. These elements include: disjunction of the
temporal continuity into discrete pieces, re-combinations of photographs
in a series of fragmented objects of a scopophilic drive,
elimination of the «thingness» of things, bringing a thing to the
state of surface devoid of quality, «puppetizing» of the individual,
the whole body of whom turns into the masked surface of a serially
produced puppet.


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How to Cite
Михеева, Л. (2020). Social Logic of Pornography in Jan Švankmajer’s cinema. Topos, (1), 169-183. Retrieved from
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