Feminism «Under Any Other Name»? (Contemporary Ukrainian Philosophy On Sex and Gender)


  • Ольга Плахотник
Keywords: feminism, philosophy, sex, gender, Ukraine


[In Russian]

The article is devoted to the analysis of feminist philosophy
development in Ukrainian humanities and Academia during the
last decade. Being extrapolated from outside of Ukraine (from the
West), feminist discourses are still marginal in Ukrainian philosophy
because of conservative attitudes of scholar philosophical
community and other social-politic reasons. The mainstream
tendency in philosophizing about sex in Ukrainian philosophy is
still the metaphysic approach. Some new methodologies (feminist
philosophy of equality, feminist philosophy of differences,
gender studies, queer studies, etc.) are also developing here but
rather as «feminism by any other name», e. g. social-critical (deconstructing)
philosophical discourses without using word «feminism
». Some examples of such kind of dissertations and monographs
are methodologically analyzed.


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How to Cite
Плахотник, О. (2020). Feminism «Under Any Other Name»? (Contemporary Ukrainian Philosophy On Sex and Gender). Topos, (3), 93-106. Retrieved from http://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/589