Comics as Experience of Militant Research and Involvement


  • Ирина Соломатина European Humanities University
Keywords: comics, militant research, space of community, affective communication, experience, «movements of movements» or «multitude»


[In Russian]

In the text the author analyses and interprets the comic
strip, i. e. a graphic short story Convincing Victory: Two Stories,
How It Really Was which was made by a Belarusian artist Marina
Naprushkina after the events of 19 December 2010. "is art
product is considered as militant research with a successful art
form of the protest that lets see a primary resistance. Moreover
each individual can create such art.
Marina Naprushkina’s art researches are similar to work
methods of situationists. "e latter constructed special situations
in order to introduce into reality some additional elements that
would turn it over and thus open new senses hidden before.
"e Belarusian artist Marina Naprushkina staying in Berlin
creates the art product which, on the one hand, unmasks the state
ideology, on the other hand creates a community space for those
who are ready for ethical being-with-others in a general space
of a#ective communication. "e graphic short story Convincing
Victory: Two Stories, How It Really Was is made for those who
are ready to think and re$ect over what happens to us «here and
now». For those who are able to distinguish in this art object
the representation of another experience of those with whom a
reader cannot be together, but is able to understand and probably
join the struggle process for the other world.


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How to Cite
Соломатина, И. (2020). Comics as Experience of Militant Research and Involvement. Topos, (2), 137-148. Retrieved from