To the Question of the Genesis of the Political or On the Aesthetic Existence Conditions of the Non-Tyrannical Society
[In Russian]
The focal point of the analysis in the present text is the Nobel Lecture (1987) by Josef Brodsky seen from the perspective of the philosophy of the public sphere, narrative action, and political judgment as it was developed by H. Arendt and critically reflected in the works of J. Habermas and S. Benhabib. As a result, a certain kind of «aesthetic conditions for existence of non-tyranny society» is being suggested with regard to the situation of the contemporary Belarus. Such conditions include participation of the unique actors, i. e. people who exercise their taste, equally and in the common cause with others, while the number of these actors can be unlimited, for their community is open for new people that began to develop their taste. The development of judgment involves belonging to the tradition as well as participation in the unique communication with other actors, equal and individualized as well as capable of taking into account the other’s point of view.
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