Le sous-sol de la phénoménologie: anonymat et profondeur du sujet corporel. Echos anthropologiques à partir de Merleau-Ponty
[In French]
Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of corporeal self is deeply entangled with an impersonal condition which exposes our concrete self to a «mise en abîme». Originally being out of phase from himself/herself, the fleshly subjectivity is «personne» (both in the sense of nobody and personal existence). In this article, we try to present the process of this «mise en abîme» through the figures of anonymity of perception, depth of the self and absence of the origin tracing the mark of unconscious. Are we so far from the psychoanalytic notion of self and desire? A simple answer sounds difficult. The dialogue of Merleau-Ponty with psychoanalysis was certainly constant and rich, but also complex and problematic.
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