Temporality as a property of the past in St. Augustine’s doctrine of time


  • Татьяна Литвин Saint Petersburg State University
Keywords: Philosophy of time, phenomenology, medieval philosophy


[In Russian]

This article is devoted to the analysis of time in the philosophy of St. Augustine. From the whole spectrum of the problems I accent two, concentrating on both gnoseological and ethical value of the considered theme, namely – the theory of memory and that of the internal word. Phenomenological perusal of the question on time by means of these two phenomena allows outlining practical sense of temporality in the work of consciousness. The temporality is the link which connects contemplation and action. The past is not a passive part of consciousness. The activity of consciousness is founded by activity of the past which in the memoirs acts realises practical energy of consciousness against the passive present.


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How to Cite
Литвин, Т. (2020). Temporality as a property of the past in St. Augustine’s doctrine of time. Topos, (1 (21), 5-12. Retrieved from http://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/711
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