Модель конституции Э. Гуссерля и учение Канта о форме и материи


  • Андрей Лаврухин ЕГУ
Ключевые слова: formal and material a priori, formalization, constitution of a think, presentation, re-presentation



This research is aimed at showing the difference between Husserl’s phenomenology and philosophy of Immanuel Kant. The author focuses his attention on two points, which are for Husserl’s phenomenology and philosophy of Immanuel Kant fundamentally alike: the problem of a priori and the problem of impression of reason on the sensory perception. The question in the spotlight is how independent Husserl is from the conceptual and methodical presuppositions of Kant’s philosophy in his pretension to execute the phenomenological revolution in philosophy – or, on the contrary, how dependent he is on these presuppositions.


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Как цитировать
Лаврухин, А. (2020). Модель конституции Э. Гуссерля и учение Канта о форме и материи. Topos, (2-3 (22), 48-59. извлечено от http://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/725
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