Das Schema Inhalt-Auffassung in Husserls Denken: Ursprung, Konsequenzen, Überwindung


  • Vittorio De Palma University of Urbino Carlo Bo
Keywords: Husserl, content-apprehension scheme, constitution


[In German]

In the present work the genesis and implications of the content-apprehension schema are pursued, the schema that is a central component of phenomenological idealism. The attempt is made here to show that the application of the schema to perception contradicts the critique of the image-theory and the conception of the sensuous constitution as a process grounded in the peculiarity of contents. Moreover it will be shown that Husserl made numerous attempts towards a complete overcoming of the schema. It will be pointed out finally that according to Husserl, the constitution of the world has a material presupposition, which is often ignored in the secondary literature. This presupposition is that the sensuously given contents have a lawful structure before and independently of the subjective apprehension.


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How to Cite
De Palma, V. (2020). Das Schema Inhalt-Auffassung in Husserls Denken: Ursprung, Konsequenzen, Überwindung. Topos, (2-3 (22), 60-73. Retrieved from http://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/726