Modern Belarusian Philosophy: Between «Higher Theoretical Form» and «Space of Freedom»
[In Russian]
The text regards the question of self-understanding and self- determination of contemporary Belarusian philosophy. The anal- ysis is carried out first of all on the material of some editions of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, a collective monograph of the philosophers who work outside state academic institutions, and the issue of the journal Topos dedicated to Belarusian philosophy. The text doesn’t only offer the comparison of the contents of these editions, but it also gives their evaluation basing on the critical reference to contem- porary postmetaphysical philosophy. The special attention is paid to the interpretation of the relation between the universal and the particularian, to the meaning of the tradition and schools for contemporary philosophy, and also to the concept of «attitude of modernity» introduced by Michel Foucault.

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