Transcendental Subjectvity and Life-World. Speculations over A.E. Savin’s Book Transcendentalism and Historicity in Husserl’s Phenomenology


  • Анна Шиян


[In Russian]

The paper analyses two strategies to interpretation of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology on the study Transcendentalism and Historicity in Husserl’s Phenomenology” by A.E. Savin. According to the first one transcendental phenomenology is carried exclusively out in a phenomenological attitude, in the framework of pure transcendental consciousness and new senses, as well as being of the world and its objectness are produced inside it. According to the other strategy transcendental phenomenology attempts to bring into correlation the results produced in natural and phenomenological attitudes. With this strategy in natural attitude it formulates preconditions, principles and methods of investigation according to objectness, but in phenomenological one – applies them for analyzing of objectness as they carried our in the experience of consciousness. !e author proceeding from these two strategies considers the conception of life-world and life-world correlation with transcendental consciousness.


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How to Cite
Шиян, А. (2020). Transcendental Subjectvity and Life-World. Speculations over A.E. Savin’s Book Transcendentalism and Historicity in Husserl’s Phenomenology. Topos, (2), 102-114. Retrieved from