О невысказываемом и сообществе

  • Алёна Глухова
Ключевые слова: the unutterable, community, being-toward-death, being-with


[На русском]

The present article explores the notion of the unutterable as a mode of enunciation and proposes to treat the unutterable as the foundation of a community. It proceeds with Agamben’s adaptation of the theory of enunciation by Benveniste. A parallel is drawn between the notions of the unutterable and the withdrawal by Nancy. The notion of reticence mentioned by Brogan is explored following his interpretation of Heideggerian being-to- ward-death as a foundation of community. The conceptual chain of the unutterable/community/being-toward-death is eventually explored on an ontic level as exposed in the politics of friendship by Derrida.


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Как цитировать
Глухова, А. (2020). О невысказываемом и сообществе. Topos, (2), 68-72. извлечено от http://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/924