Transformation of the Political Participation Idea: Rousseau, Rancière, Laclau


  • Юлия Мартинавичене
Keywords: participation, political subject, social contract, common will, hegemony, articulation


[In Russian]

The article aims at analyzing the concept of political participation as a basis of community formation, as it is elaborated in the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jacques Rancière, and Ernesto Laclau. Reinterpretation of Rousseau’s idea of a quantitatively meaningful «participation of the all» in the (post)modern context of the constitution of civil community is seen indispensable as soon as under these circumstances the situation of risk and instability usually dominates. Laclau and Rancière propose another model of a political participation that presupposes entering an agonal sphere of a play where the result depends on a constant dynamic reassembling of the participants’ roles and rethinking the very essence of a political game.


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How to Cite
Мартинавичене, Ю. (2020). Transformation of the Political Participation Idea: Rousseau, Rancière, Laclau. Topos, (2), 73-91. Retrieved from