Даследаванне структуры Пінска-Тураўскай уніяцкай епархіі ў XVII–XVIII ст.
(па беларуску, пераклад Сяргея Петрыкевіча)
Research on the Structure of the Uniate Turaŭ-Pinsk Eparchy in the 17th and 18th Centuries
Wojciech Walczak / Войцех Вальчак
The author of the article presents his research on the structure of the Uniate Turaŭ-Pinsk eparchy in the 17th and 18th centuries. Detailed research on this issue has never been carried out so far due to difficult access to source material. After studying the archives in Lviv, Vatican, Vilnius, St. Petersburg and Minsk, dr Wojciech Walczak presents the network of parishes and deaneries in this likely least recognized eparchy.
After a part of hierarchs and believers from the Orthodox Archdiocese of Kiev concluded the union with Rome in Brest in 1596, the Greek Catholic Church faced the problem of how to organize its internal structure. Since it could have been contrary to the idea of the union, the Orthodox clergy and believers had no intention of forming the structure from the scratch after the transition to papal supremacy, so they adopted the logical solution of taking over the whole church organization and equipment from the Orthodox Church (wherever it was possible at the time). The author of the article analyzes the number and size of parishes and deaneries in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The presented results of the study of the structure of the Turaŭ-Pinsk eparchy show that the union has not been studied before with the use of comprehensive sources. The study proved that the structure of the eparchy was quite mobile and its area was much bigger than suggested in studies described by other scholars.