Is War an Art?
[In Belarusian]
In his essay, Piotr Nowak analyzes N. Machiavelli’s not very well-known treatise “The Art of War” which one can consider as a theoretical generalization of his particular experience. However, contrary to what the title of book might hint, it is the least Machiavellian work. In comparison to the whole body of Machiavellian corps of texts, this one is considered as an example of opportunism and even cowardice of its author. The ruthless advice to the Prince is replaced with technical arguments by a condottiere, who seeks, above all, “to minimize his own losses.” The War – as Machiavelli insists – should stay at war and would not be applied to peacetime; while the desire to win, to explore – the key theme of “The Prince” and “The Discourses on Livy” – are left out this time.
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