The Power of Desire: Authenticity of Total Practices
[In Russian]
This article analyzes the problems of power and its investment configurations in modern society. The discourse of power is actualized in a modern society in connection with the emergence of increasingly sophisticated and insidious practices influence. However, the collapse of authority of “strong power” and its transformation does not solve the problems of violence, exploitation, alienation, in the end, of the social order. It is obvious that the phenomenon of modern modifications perfects its form but does not alter the existence which is born in the human nature.
Power existence is the discourse totality. Its origins come from the human nature. Total authenticity practices in their initial value are expressed in the worship and domination. Both aspects show two sides of the same phenomenon – the power of desire. In the modern social space totality practices manifest themselves in the formation of a consumer society, where the way to implement the cult of desire becomes a mass culture.
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