“Othered” Existence. Thoughts on Søren Kierkegaard, Georg Simmel and Emmanuel Levinas’ Diachrony and Representation (1982) in a Political Perspective


  • Burkhard Liebsch
Keywords: existence, othering, subjectivization, violence


[In English]

This essay deals with Levinas’ interpretation of what it means to exist othered − that is, to live a life in the wake of the other’s effacement. The author compares the notion of othered existence with Søren Kierkegaard’s and Georg Simmel’s “existential” thinking on the one hand and with Michael Theunissens’ concept of a reifying and alienating Veranderung on the other hand in order to put forward the question what is at stake in an inevitably othered existence that proves from the start to be inspired by an original othering and suffers time and again from violent otherings which we inflict on each other.


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How to Cite
Liebsch, B. (2014). “Othered” Existence. Thoughts on Søren Kierkegaard, Georg Simmel and Emmanuel Levinas’ Diachrony and Representation (1982) in a Political Perspective. Topos, (1), 88-106. Retrieved from https://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/326