Local Rationality and the Global Narratives of Financial Ideology


  • Арсений Тарабанов Saint Petersburg State University
Keywords: global narrations, local rationality, world fabulisation, global markets, trend-narrations, signification, nomadic plurality, finscapes, ideoscapes


[In Russian]

The local rationality in the conditions of global informational
capitalism is embodied in the specific pseudo-epistemological,
ideological constructions. They become apparent as global
narrations which determine mass motivation systems, dynamics
of global, regional and local markets as so called trends. Local
rationality also determines economic everyday life (Quotidien) of
informational society, human and social group behavior variety in
new communicative spaces.


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How to Cite
Тарабанов, А. (2020). Local Rationality and the Global Narratives of Financial Ideology. Topos, (2), 62-70. Retrieved from https://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/562
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