Monotown: Dilemmas of Space Construction


  • Наталья Веселкова Ural State Pedagogical University
  • Елена Прямикова Ural State Pedagogical University
  • Михаил Вандышев Ural State Pedagogical University
Keywords: mono-town, town space, enclave, non-human actors, constructions of town space


[in Russian]

In this paper the authors analyze the problem of space construction
in mono-towns. !e researchers describe identi"cation
criteria for mono-towns, clarify the notion in a series of concepts
such as «one company town» and «industrial city». !e structure
of mono-towns space is closely connected with the position of
city-forming enterprises. For local population main (city-forming)
enterprises are the source of town’s prosperity. !e article states
that the practice of life-support of population is constructed in a
strong connection with the activities and status of the enterprises.
!e authors consider Asbest town as an empirical case and analyze
non-human actors that organize the structure of the town.


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How to Cite
Веселкова, Н., Прямикова, Е., & Вандышев, М. (2020). Monotown: Dilemmas of Space Construction. Topos, (1), 208-224. Retrieved from