Disciplining the Body of Post-Soviet City: «Fences» and «Bridges» of the Public Space


  • Анна Широканова Belarusian State University
  • Александра Яцык
Keywords: post-Soviet public space, fence, post-socialist city, territorial production


[In Russian]

The article addresses post-Soviet transformation of urban
public space as part of the society’s public sphere. Drawing from
an actor-network theory and concepts of social production of
space (Lefebvre, de Certeau) and territorial production (Kär-
rholm), the authors analyze the transformations of public places
in Minsk, Vilnius and Kazan. The focus of the study is the idea of
«fence» as a means of regulating a city’s symbolic– and public
space. The article argues that the use of barriers and, notably,
bodies as barriers has led to developing a specific set of strategies
of «disciplining» of the public sphere and practices of resisting
them in post-Soviet cities.


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How to Cite
Широканова, А., & Яцык, А. (2020). Disciplining the Body of Post-Soviet City: «Fences» and «Bridges» of the Public Space. Topos, (1), 153-169. Retrieved from https://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/622