Perception, sens et vérité: la phénoménologie à l’épreuve de l’opacité référentielle


  • Robert Brisart Saint-Louis University, Brussels
Keywords: phenomenology, semantics, perception, validity


[In French]

One of the most important novelties introduced with the transcendental turn of phenomenology by Husserl is to introduce sense into perception. It is exactly what the concept of «perceptual noema» means. Against his traditional objectiving interpretation, we want to show that this concept has a close bound with the idea of the opacity of reference and so that it is opening rather a new than a realistic way for the access to the truth.


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How to Cite
Brisart, R. (2020). Perception, sens et vérité: la phénoménologie à l’épreuve de l’opacité référentielle. Topos, (2-3 (22), 33-47. Retrieved from