Wandering Across the Face of Europe


  • Gregory Cameron Wilfrid Laurier University
Keywords: eurocentrism, tradition, human society, naturalism, objectivism


[In English]

«Wandering Across the Face of Europe» is a reconsideration of the Husserl’s the Vienna Lecture in light of both its condemnation and in light of recent European and global history. The paper hinges on a reconsideration of the distinction between scientific medicine and the nature cure that opens Husserl’s essay. The paper argues that it is only through relinquishing the objectivist desire for a natural science of human societies that the problems of the world can be solved. This relinquishing, it is argued, demands not a search for a better system, but the necessary condition of accepting responsibility for the effects of existing systems and the overcoming of the desire for a world wide system. Only through rejecting the objectivist desire for system can there be a true taking up of and a taking responsibility for the European tradition. The paper then involves a re-commitment to Husserl’s notion of the essence of the European tradition.


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How to Cite
Cameron, G. (2020). Wandering Across the Face of Europe. Topos, (2-3 (22), 106-117. Retrieved from https://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/730