Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology as the rigorous science on the way to God or Tricks and traps of transcendentalism


  • Нелли Иванова-Георгиевская Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University
Keywords: phenomenology, phenomenological method, transcendental philosophy, transcendental subject, intentionality, reduction, universal transcendental correlation of the world and the consciousness, «overrationalism»


[In Russian]

The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the problems of the transcendental philosophy: how the methodological rules which are put in operation to achieve the true knowledge become the obstacle on this way and how the philosophers try to keep the methods even when they are obliged to overstep the limits of method rules. This text shows that Husserl phenomenological position is the transcendental position par excellence and has immanent problems, traps for him especially in the sphere connected with intersubjectivity. Husserl manuscripts have such a thesis as «the phenomenology is an unconfessional way to God», which proposes to understand this «rigorous science» in the universal context of the transcendental problems of the philosophy.


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How to Cite
Иванова-Георгиевская, Н. (2020). Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology as the rigorous science on the way to God or Tricks and traps of transcendentalism. Topos, (2-3 (22), 167-176. Retrieved from https://journals.ehu.lt/index.php/topos/article/view/734